Why Eshraka?

1- Because it is the only company in Egypt and the Middle East that holds a registered Egyptian innovation patent No. 33439 in the pleated accordion wire mesh. All sectors and accessories are registered.
2- We have more than 11 years of manufacturing and innovation experience.


We are the origin of the product


In 2006 Eshraka for manufacturing pleated mosquito net got an innovation patent and intellectual protection recorded under NO. 33439.
The product was released in the market and won the admiration of everyone.
However, this motivated some imitations to try to recreate the product, but the imitators everywhere always undervalue the quality element to get the price that suits them.
They then recruited some promoters who had no regard for quality, and they started to convince their clients with this idea. The cost is only what matters.
However, we speak to the end user and we encourage them not to forego seeing the original Eshraka's Pleated mesh and the rest of our products, their quality, and their costs. You have the choice, and you can then make the decision.
Additionally, avoid letting con artists play tricks on your ears and mind.


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